Advocating for Menstrual Health Education in the Church.
(Musa Dlamini Days for Girls Ambassador) Days for Girls was invited to give a presentation to 23 church leaders on the importance of incorporating menstrual heath conversations in church programs. This would help break down the stigma around menstruation, menstrual blood is often considered dirty, and some religions believe that a woman should be isolated on her red days. It is for this reason that MH education should be offered in the church to cancel out false ideologies about menstruation in order to build the self-esteem of menstruators and instil pride as well as dignity of being a menstruator. Moreover, cooperating life skills topics in church can be a valuable way to engage with the congregation and community on to influence positive daily decisions. Here are some ways churches can promote healthy lifestyles: - Encouraging healthier ways of living - Christians are preached to honour their bodies because the body is the Lord's te...