DfG Takes on Kusile Breakfast Show

 (DfG Director Lindiwe Dladla interviewed by Sifiso Nxumalo) 

Menstrual health advocacy is pivotal in attaining menstrual equity. Days for Girls takes on numerous platforms to reach a wider audience with menstrual health education as a form of advocacy. We were invited to the Kusile breakfast show where we educated viewers on menstrual health and the DfG washable pad which we call the "smart girls' choice".

Prioritizing MH education helps break menstrual stigma and taboos. Deconstructing stigma will enhance positive attitudes around menstruation thus creating supportive environments for menstruators.MH education helps increase body literacy and confidence in managing a period.

We further used this platform to urge relevant stakeholders and authorities to recognize MH as a public health issue.MH is a human right and a critical component to achieving gender equality. Prioritizing menstrual health education and access to sanitary pads will be significant steps to awards maintaining menstrual equity.

(DfG ambassador Puleng Sithebe interviewed by Sifiso Nxumalo).


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